
Showing posts from April, 2019

Thing 27: Note taking

The article in The NY Times Laptops are Great, But…    was not surprising.    I work with students whose online credit recovery courses (all core content courses) are on the computer, we have to constantly redirect students.    In addition the article stated there was a “negative externality” with computer use in the classroom, I see this all the time, if a student is distracted and pulls up a YouTube video of high interest he may tell his friend to look at his computer and then you have two distracted students.    Much of this is usually remedied with reminders, but it is especially prevalent with students who already have behavior issues in the classroom or younger students.    For this reason, we recommend students who are either very self-disciplined or older high school students be given preference to complete their course work online. In the other article I read, it discussed not-taking tips for students.    Our teach...