Thing 04: Twitter, Facebook & Personal Learning Networks

    • I think Twitter seems to be a bit like a blog in that you are posting things others who follow you may see.  The current administration uses Twitter to get their messages to the public, however the information is not always accurate giving false information.   I really don’t care for twitter, for this reason.  I have an account but don’t use it.  Our Virtual Academy had a twitter account, but like many it is outdated and people no longer seem to use it.  Some of the one listed above are have not been active for some time.  I wonder if Twitter will continue to be, I imagine some other social media tool will replace it.    


  1. With twitter, it can get very "noisy", too many people, too many people posting too much irrelevant stuff. The key is really to find just the people who are posting information that is relevant to your interests. That's where all that hashtag stuff comes in so handy. For me, I often check the #tlchat hashtag, which if for teacher-librarians. I know that I'll always find some new ideas and tools by checking that. I just shared the #iteachmath hashtag with some of our math teacher participants. #creditrecovery teacher might be a place to look? Here's a link:


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