VR in the Classroom

After reading several articles and watching videos on students using Virtual Reality in the classroom, I feel it could and should be used more to enhance the students learning experiences.  The possibilities seem endless and can be used for students of all grades.  However, I think like the technology will grow old.  We purchased one of these devices around Christmas time a few years ago, as it turned out we used it for Christmas and had fun exploring placing we have never been, like Cuba for example, it showed the poverty of the island and the lack of infrastructure that exists there with garbage all over the place for example. 
I think if its overused kids will grow bored of the technology and it will have less of an impact on their overall learning.  Some of the examples I thought were notable were students studying underwater environments, and another I found on you tube showed students who were reading Romeo and Juliet, students were able to view the place where Romeo and Juliet met.  Some more obvious uses would be to have students explore a country they want to write a report on, or if studying Nazi Germany maybe have the opportunity to see Auschwitz.  

After a few VR lessons, I think it would be great if we could give students some choice on what they want to study this would be a great way for students to explore their own personal interests.


  1. You've shared some great ideas here! And yes, definitely good to let the students explore topics of personal interest.


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